13 Amazing Ways To Reuse & Recycle Old Kitchen Utensils

kitchen-1Ever think about dumping your favorite kitchen utensils?

1. Hanging Light Made From Old Cheese Graters Think no more!Here are those 13 Creative ways to reuse them in a way you’ll be really amazed. Take a look at those ideas and let us know if you’ve got some better.
“Before you throw away that old soup ladle or colander you need to see these creative ways to recycle and reuse common kitchen utensils. Landfills grow larger every single day. The more you reuse old stuff instead of throwing it away the better, not only for your wallet but also for the planet.

Cork Decoration2. Add Magnets And Succulents To Old Wine Corks

Wine cork craft is largely popular nowadays and there are so many examples online. You may have missed this one, so take a look. These are useful planters that can become the next best decoration of your home.

Not only useful but very environment-friendly. You will need magnets and succulents to complete!


old kitchen chalkboard

3. Old Kitchen Chalkboard = New Tablet Holder

In most households, it is not that hard to find an old chalkboard that no longer has any particular use. Well, I have good news.

Tablet holders are not only in stores, they are made at home! All you need is some strong tape, of course, and a flair for the unusual!


collanders with lights4. Hang Colanders With Lights Installed Behind For A Unique Twist On Kitchen Lighting


old soup laddles5. Old Soup Ladles Transformed Into Candle Holders


old forks hangers

6. Old Forks Make Great Coat Or Purse Hangers


rolling pins hooks7. Rolling Pins Used To Make Kitchen Rack With Hooks


planter recycled bottles8. This Awesome Vertical Planter Is Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles


vintage rolling pin

9. Vintage Rolling Pin Towel Rack


coffee pot terrarium10. Old Coffee Pot = Awesome Terrarium


old spoons11. Old Spoons = New Garden Markers


old crystal plate

12. Old Plate + Old Crystal Wine Goblet = New Cake Stand


cupcake to muffin pot13. Old Cupcake Baking Tray Transformed Into Muffin Tin


Great ideas, huh!